Mobile Hearing Testing (required annually):
Located on-site for your convenience in a mobile unit that meets or exceeds OSHA and WAC testing specifications.  Hearing testing and individual explanation of results accomodates six employees every 15 minutes.  Employees receive a printout of their baseline and current test results immediately upon completing their hearing test.

Noise Surveys (must be on-file):
Industrial and community noise assessments are available with appropriate dosimetry and sound level meters for a complete assessment and comprehensive report.

Educational/Training Programs (required annually):
Employee hearing conservation programs include lecture, demonstrations, pamphlets, and video presentation formats for higher interest, understanding and more powerful motivation to protect hearing.

Hearing Protection Evaluation and Fittings:
Individual hearing protection fittings based on employees work noise exposure and personal fit requirements.  Custom ear impressions and plugs are also available.

Audiogram Review & Reporting:
For companies that prefer in-house programs, we offer the support services of program supervision, audiogram review, documentation, and reporting by our Doctor of Audiology.

Industrial Consulting:
Let us help you understand the law.